Photovoltaic FAQ
Photovoltaic doesn’t use fossil fuel, promoting economic and environmental savings;
Photovoltaic doesn’t cause pollutant emissions of any kind during the operation of the system;
A photovoltaic system is safe and reliable over time, especially if it is of high quality;
A photovoltaic system is an economically favorable investment
The photovoltaic modules can be placed on the roof, on the side of a building or on the ground.
The technical feasibility is verified by the designer/installer during the inspection.
The element to be evaluated for installation are:
• availability of the space necessary for installation, sufficient space that varies depending on how the modules are positioned, without obstacles that may obscure the surface.
• correct exposure of the modules: in Italy the ideally is an exposure is in the South (at the South-East or South-West at the very least), with an inclination of the photovoltaic modules of 30-35°.
Yes. The photovoltaic systems are not limited to taking advantage of the direct sunlight but they also absorb the so-called “diffuse irradiation” and, in case of cloudy sky, however, they produce a limited amount of electric energy.
The photovoltaic doesn’t use fossil fuel, promoting economic and environmental savings;
The photovoltaic doesn’t cause pollutant emissions of any kind during the operation of the system;
A photovoltaic system is safe and reliable over time, particularly if it is of high quality;
A photovoltaic system is an economically favorable investment
• take advantage of tax deductions for PV systems;
• saving for the electric energy produced;
• duration equal to 25 years;
• absence of any kind of polluting emission.
From an economic point of view, photovoltaic systems may be a very interesting investment.
In fact, photovoltaic systems have a further form of concession by the state: tax deductions.
Those people who install a photovoltaic system can take advantage of the personal income tax deductions to recover 50% of the incurred costs for the construction of the system. The 50% recovery remains in force until the 31st of December 2014.
Those 50% deductions have not to be confused with the 65% (formerly 55%) tax deductions for energy savings. The 65% are valid for solar thermal systems for the production of hot water and for energy efficiency interventions in buildings (insulations, doors and windows, window fixtures, furnaces, heat pumps, solar thermal modules for the production of domestic hot water, etc.)